Want to build a great WordPress site?

Less is more.

laptop displaying responsive WordPress site
  • Simple, subtle branding
  • Clear Calls-To-Action
  • Concise value propositions
  • Recognizable UI patterns
  • Beautiful on any device
  • Lightning fast load times

User-Driven Design and Development

Save time and money by focusing on what really matters: your customers. Don’t blow your budget on over-wrought design, over-thought copy, or unnecessary features. We can deliver sites at 1/4 the cost of an agency by staying laser-focused on addressing your customers’ needs.

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Simple, user-centric approach

We’ll work together to identify your users’ core needs and then address them directly through clear messaging, features, and calls to action.

Mobile Phone Icon

Responsive, mobile-first clarity

Design should support content. We’ll begin with a focus on mobile and then progressively enhance the product from this baseline.

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Lightning fast load times

Thanks to clean code and relentless pursuit of best practices, our WordPress sites load in under 1s and rock Google’s Web Dev scores.

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Ridiculously fast turnaround

We have a huge repository of code (and knowledge) to draw upon when building your site. Most projects are deployed within 4 weeks.

Why bother writing good code?

Have you ever looked at the source code for a WordPress site? If so, it was probably a jumbled mess, because most WordPress “developers” are really just hacking sites together using other people’s code. Many don’t even know why something works; they just fiddle until it does (kinda).

In addition to the obvious issues presented by this approach, scrambled code makes it impossible for search engines like Google to understand what your site is about. You can’t build out effective SEO without a solid foundation of elegantly written, best-practices code.

Finally, when it comes time to update that frankensite, the owners are in for some rude awakenings. Is your new developer having trouble figuring out how to make simple changes? Did that plugin just break your site? Don’t blame the new developer or the plugin, blame the hack who relied on starter themes and digital shoestrings to piece to your site together.

It’s unfortunate that this has to be said: a great website is built on great code, only a professional WordPress developer can write great code.

FC Valet WordPress theme screenshot
Responsive WordPress design
  • Checkmark Icon Cutting-edge best practices
  • Checkmark Icon Flawless code for instant SEO
  • Checkmark Icon Industry-leading site speed
  • Checkmark Icon Standards-compliant accessiblity
  • Checkmark Icon Reliable security and backups
  • Checkmark Icon Exceptional communication
  • Checkmark Icon Get what you ask for, fast

Check out the WordPress sites featured above

There’s more to web design and development than meets the eye. Your site should not only apply the best practices discussed above, but also look good on all screen sizes. We strongly encourage that you explore our WordPress sites to see these ideas in action:

Kevin Hotaling Headshot

Hi, I’m Kevin Hotaling, founder of Desconu. I lead the design and development for our projects and call upon a carefully chosen network of talented, local freelancers when their skills are required. This allows you to get most of the benefits of an agency, without the expense, headaches, and bureaucracy of a bloated team.

Do you know where you stand?

The first step to improving web presence is measuring current performance. Send me some details about your site, and I’ll send back a quick analysis of your design, site speed, SEO, code health, and best opportunities for improvement. I actually enjoy this stuff, so no strings attached!

Referral Only